Manchester Central Mosque Madrasa Registration


Please fill the details to add your child(ren) to our waiting list. Signing and submitting this form confirms you have read, and agree to, the policies listed below. 

* denotes required field
Autofill: Father Mother Brother Sister
If you already have an account and a password, you can skip this and leave it blank. Otherwise you should set your password now to login to the parent portal now.


 Student #1:
Hifz class taking place Monday to Friday from 5pm - 8pm
Add medical info/notes


You are the primary contact. You can add more contacts below.
Additional Contact #1
 Contact Name:
 Parent Portal Password:
 Alt. Mob.:

Important: your submitting of this form confirms that you have read the following information.


Improvements: The Education department has made various improvements for the quality of teaching by employing new and qualified staff, by minimising class sizes for better discipline and supervision of your child.



New Syllabus for Hifz: Students must purchase a 16 line colour coded Tajwid Qur’an. Students will be provided with a daily Hifz planner that reports their progress every day. This must be signed by parents weekly.


New Syllabus for Maktab: Every class will have a syllabus text book that is age appropriate. These are available to purchase from the Mosque Library for £5. Salah books can be purchased for £3. Qaidah’s can be purchased for £3. We do not sell Qur’ans.



All Parents Please Make Sure:


1: Attendance: It is important that all children attend regularly to ensure they receive the best education possible. Hifz classes run Monday to Friday, from 5pm to 8pm.  Maktab classes run Monday to Friday, from 5:15pm - 6:45pm As per our attendance policy all absences must be requested at least one week in advance, unless it is an emergency. Parents must inform the office by completing the absence form on the parent portal . Children who are absent for more than ten days without notification (unless an emergency) may be expelled from the Madrasa.



2: Uniform: We have introduced a uniform to ensure that all of our children come to lessons dressed in an appropriate manner. Please Make Sure, Girls are dressed in a black jubbah and a scarf and Boys must be dressed in a white Jubba and wear a cap.  All jeans, casual wear or tracksuits are NOT allowed.


This simple uniform code MUST be followed to avoid your child being sent home to change.

As part of our uniform children must have a Madrasah bag (available from the library for £5), a pencil case with pens and pencils, and lined exercise books.



3: It is urged that all parents ensure that their children have gone to the toilet and performed Whudhu before coming to the Madrasa.


4: Prohibited Items: In view of safety, security and discipline all types of foods, drinks, sweets, chocolates are NOT allowed in classes (except for medication purpose), Chewing Gums are strictly prohibited. Also banned are knives or weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs and stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks and pornographic images, any article that a member of staff reasonably suspects has been (or is likely to be) used:

(a) to commit an offence; or

(b) to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the student).


5.  Mobiles: Mobile phones are strictly banned in classrooms. If your child must bring a phone with them it must be handed into the teacher at the start of the class. If found later on the phone will be confiscated and will only returned to a parent or guardian the following Madrasa day. 



6: Drop Off and Collection:  We are concerned about the safety of your child. We expect all parents/guardians to park their vehicles in the adjacent car park and then escort their children to and from the entrance doors. It is extremely dangerous to encourage children to enter or exit a vehicle whilst it is moving. Constant failure to abide by basic safety principles may result in your child being expelled from the Madrasa. Children must not be dropped any earlier than ten (10) minutes prior to Madrasa time and parents must make sure to pick them up at 6:45pm (Maktab) or 8pm (Hifz). All parents who will be more than 10 minutes  late must call the Madrasa to inform Madrasa Staff or send a Text or WhatsApp message on: 07914 95 48 48



7: Admission & Tuition Fee:


Hifz: £30 Admission Fee is payable once per child upon admission. Our tuition fee is £60 per month per child. This must be paid via direct debit which will be set up through the Parent Portal. 


Maktab: £20 Admission Fee is payable once per child upon admission. Our tuition fee is £30 per month per childThis must be paid via direct debit which will be set up through the Parent Portal. 


Failure to pay the fees, or cancelling the Direct Debit without notifying the office as to the reasons why may result in the termination of your childs place within the Madrasa.