Taiyabah Masjid Madrasah Registration


Admissions for the 2024/2025 Reception and Year 1 classes are now open. Application deadline is 31st May 2024

For all other classes (applicable for children who will turn 6 on or before August of the current academic year), please complete the form below and we will add your child onto our waiting list. Our classes are currently full and we will contact you once a space becomes available

Please ensure you choose the correct Enroll group when completing this form.

Completing this form does not mean your child has been granted a place.

Please see below further guidelines for each application group:


Application Guidelines

  • Proof of age (birth certificate, valid passport or ID card) will be required when a place has been confirmed.
  • Fees are collected via office or through the Parent Portal. All parents must provide a valid email for registering onto and accessing the parent portal. Fees must be paid whether or not your child attends Madrasah.
  • The current fees for each class are as follows:


Fees per week (£)

All classes





  • Class days and timings are as follows:


Teaching Days

Teaching hours

All classes

Monday – Friday

5pm – 7pm


Monday - Friday

5:00pm – 7.30pm


  • An admission fee of £20 is payable once your child has been granted a place in Madrasah
  • If your application is unsuccessful, we will inform you of this decision by phone or text


Madrasah Guidelines

  • Students and parents are expected to abide by all current Madrasah policies which can be provided on request.
  • Minimum required attendance for the full year is 90%. Your child will lose their place in Madrasah if the attendance is consistently less than 90% by the end of each term. Note lateness will also contribute towards this percentage.
  • If your child will be absent on the day or arriving late, it is mandatory that you inform the Madrasah office between 5pm and 7pm on the day. Otherwise, their absence or lateness will be classed as unauthorised and will affect their overall attendance figure.
  • Please ensure that your child has been to the toilet prior to leaving home. If your child has an accident during Madrasah, you will be immediately contacted to take your child home.
  • If you have any concerns about your child in Madrasah, please contact the office manager and not the teacher. Your concerns will be dealt with confidentially.
  • The Madrasah aims to operate on the secular school term dates as recommended by Bolton Council. As such, we expect all parents to arrange holidays out of term. However, if you must travel during term time, you must complete a Holiday Absence Form (Available from the Madrasah office). The form will need to be submitted three weeks before date of travel. Failure to complete this form beforehand will result in your child's absence being considered unauthorised. A handwritten letter will not be accepted.
  • Uniform Guidelines:
    • As an institute, we require all our students to be dressed in the correct uniform. Male students are required to wear a Jubba and Topi. Female students are required to wear  Abaya and  Burkhi (long enough to cover their chest and hair).
  • Haircut Guidelines:
    • We expect all students to attend Madrasah with a haircut which is acceptable in Islam.
    • Hairstyles such as a Mohican, mullet, short back and sides numbers 0 and 1 unblended etc. is unacceptable. The hair must be equal.
  • Children attending Madrasah without the required uniform or with an unacceptable hairstyle will be sent home.
  • High visibility jackets are compulsory for children up to year 6 (3 - 11 years old) during the winter months (November - March) when it is dark between Madrasah hours.


All admission queries should be forwarded to the office staff between the hours of 5.00pm to 7.00pm.


Email - admin@taiyabahmasjid.com, WhatsApp - 07513234326, Landline - 01204 535997


When submitting this application form, you automatically consent with all the above guidelines.


* denotes required field
Autofill: Father Mother Brother Sister
If you already have an account and a password, you can skip this and leave it blank. Otherwise you should set your password now to login to the parent portal now.


 Student #1:
Add medical info/notes
Does the student have an Early Help Assessment or Early Help Car Plan open?
Previous Madrasah Attended (if any)
Which School the student is attending?
What school year will the child be in as of September 2024?
Does the student have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
What is the ethnic group of the student?
Does Your Child Have Any Allergies?
If you answered 'Yes' to the above question, please write further details below


You are the primary contact. You can add more contacts below.
Additional Contact #1
 Contact Name:
 Parent Portal Password:
 Alt. Mob.: